ZINCHENKO, Oksana 09E1026E
That you, a Registered Nurse, whilst employed by North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (“the Trust”) as a Band 5 Staff Nurse on Ruby Ward (“the Ward”) at the Crystal Centre, Chelmsford (“the Crystal Centre”):
1. Failed to complete a risk assessment in relation to Patient A prior to her death.
2. Failed to complete an MCA1 form for Patient A prior to her death.
3. On or around 28 March 2014, completed the following documents with inaccurate and/or non-contemporaneous information for Patient A:
3.1 Risk Assessment Screening Tool form dated 4 December 2013
3.2 Risk Assessment Screening Tool form dated 12 February 2014
3.3 MCA1 form dated 4 December 2013
4. Having acted as alleged at paragraph/s 3.1 and/or 3.2 and/or 3.3, presented the following documents to your colleague, Fiona Thomas, as genuine and/or contemporaneous records of your interaction/s with Patient A:
4.1 Risk Assessment Screening Tool form dated 4 December 2013
4.2 Risk Assessment Screening Tool form dated 12 February 2014
4.3 MCA1 form dated 4 December 2013
5. Your conduct described in charges 3 and 4 above was dishonest, as it was intended to conceal the fact that you did not contemporaneously complete an assessment of risk relating to Patient A and/or intended to conceal the fact that you had not contemporaneously completed an MCA form for Patient A:
And in light of the above, your fitness to practise is impaired by reason of your misconduct.